The prison-industrial complex is a set of “overlapping interests of government and...
Shut Up Fool! of the Year
It is time for the newsmakers to anoint the recipients of their coveted “of-the-year”...
Experimenting with All-Gender Category in Gay Games Hong Kong: Soccer and Lotus Sports Club
(cover photo by Gay Games Hong Kong) On December 8, British lawmakers signed a letter urging the...
2023 in Review: The Top 5 Shut Up Fool Awardees of the year
As we approach the end of 2023, it is time to reflect on some of the most memorable and fool-tastic...
Inclusion at the Grassroots Level: How IATBP’s Sporting Categories Transform Powerlifting
(cover photo by Ames Beckerman) In the early morning of November 18, I joined the organizers of the...