A True Leader Inspires other Leaders
WHAT IS A LEADER? A leader is someone who can see how things can be improved and who rallies people to move toward that better vision. Only when you get to inspire others, it is possible to share a common goal towards which to direct the efforts and dedication of the entire team. Monica Roberts you have set the tone for what it means to be a TRUE LEADER. You have INSPIRED me as the CEO and CO FOUNDER of House of Rebirth and Founder of Transfusion Radio to continue to stand and fight for a population of Black Trans people that feel like they don’t have much fight left. At House of Rebirth we are thriving. We are making it our business to uplift each other while standing strong on what we believe in. Aunty Monica Roberts Thank you for every motivational conversation and holding me accountable for the role I have taken in so many Black Trans people’s lives. You will truly be missed.